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Nine core challenges in Adoption and how to deal with them.

Nine core challenges in Adoption and how to deal with them.

An adoptive family with their child.

Adoption is a beautiful and meaningful way to build families. But it’s not without its challenges. Not only do adoptees and their adoptive parents have to work through challenges in adoption related to identity, stability, and security, but the adoption process comes with its hurdles. 

Although adoption can come with challenges, a growing number of American families, about 2-4%, still choose to adopt. They find ways to overcome the obstacles and make adoption a meaningful part of their lives. To help you navigate these core adoption challenges, we’ve broken down nine of the most common challenges and provided tips for dealing with them.

Nine core challenges in Adoption and how to deal with them.

1. Mental health 
2. Financial Challenges
3. Emotional Challenges
4. Pre-adoption termination
5.  Cultural Challenges
6. Suicide in adoptees
7. Social challenges 
8. Reunification. 
9. Search for birth parents

1. Mental Health Challenges

Many adoptees, especially those adopted later in life and who experienced trauma before adoption, may struggle with anxiety and depression. These traumatic experiences may also lead to post-traumatic stress disorder and attachment issues.

To help manage these mental health challenges, adoptive families should seek family counselling and other therapy sources.

Additionally, it’s essential to provide an environment that is safe and nurturing while helping the adoptee build a strong sense of identity by connecting them with their birth culture, language, and heritage.

2. Financial Challenges

The cost of adoption can be a considerable hurdle for many families. The average price of domestic infant adoption is around $40,000, and the cost of international adoption can be even higher. Other costs include legal fees and travel expenses.

To help manage these costs, adoptive families should look into grants, fundraisers, and other sources of financial assistance.

Additionally, they can take advantage of the tax incentives available for adoptive families.

3. Emotional Challenges

Adoption is a long and often stressful process, filled with highs and lows. It can be emotionally challenging for the entire family, especially for adoptees who may struggle with questions about their identity and belonging. The adoptive child may even feel abandoned by their birth parents, which may take time to heal.

To help manage these emotional challenges, adoptive families should continue to provide a supportive environment and encourage open communication. They should also look into resources like support groups and therapy tailored explicitly to adoption.

4. Pre-adoption Terminations

Preadoption termination can be a devastating experience for any family and occurs when adoption is halted before it has been finalized. This situation might happen due to the birth parents’ incapacity to provide proper care or if the adoptive family recognize that they are unsuitable guardians. The psychological repercussions of preadoption terminations are far-reaching; not only do the adoptive parents suffer from emotional distress, but so does their child—especially those who have already formed a bond with them beforehand.

The best way to ensure the adoption process is smooth is to involve an adoption attorney to help navigate the process and advocate for the family.

Additionally, it’s essential to educate yourself on the adoption process and ensure that you are fully prepared for the commitment. If the adoption is terminated, adoptive parents need to be aware of their feelings related to the termination and seek out counselling if required.

5. Cultural Challenges

When a child is adopted from a different culture, bridging the gap between two distinct cultures can be difficult. This cultural divide can lead to feelings of confusion and displacement as the child tries to learn how to adapt. In an extreme case, the child may even experience a sense of cultural identity crisis.

To help manage these cultural challenges, adoptive parents need to learn about the child’s birth culture and support them in exploring it. Additionally, they should provide opportunities for adoptees to connect with their birth culture, such as participating in language classes or joining a local community organization.

6. Suicide in Adoptees

Adoptees are particularly vulnerable to depression and suicidal thoughts due to their distinct experiences. They grapple with the initial difficulty of being adopted and often rely on their adoptive family for acceptance and love. This factor amplifies the risk of experiencing sadness and considering suicide.

Adoptive families need to be aware of these risks and monitor the mental health of their adopted children. Adoptive parents should also try to understand their adoptees’ unique needs and provide a supportive environment. They should seek professional help to ensure their child receives the emotional support they need.

7. Social Challenges

Adoptees may experience social challenges due to the stigma associated with adoption. They may feel isolated and have difficulty forming relationships with peers, especially if the child has moved to a new area. Additionally, some adoptees may struggle with identity issues and feel they don’t “belong” anywhere. Social challenges may evolve into more severe issues if the adoptee has a history of trauma.

The best way to manage these social challenges is to provide adoptees with a safe space to express their feelings and discuss any issues they may face.

Additionally, adoptive families should look into resources such as therapy or support groups tailored explicitly to adoptees.

8. Reunification

Reunification is when a child returns to their biological family after being in foster care or adopted into a family. This process can be complicated for all parties involved, especially if the adoptive parents have built a strong bond with the child, and the reunification may lead to feelings of confusion and loss for the child.

Adoptive families need to be prepared for this possibility when considering adoption. It’s also essential to provide the adoptee with information about their birth family so they understand where they come from. Additionally, adoptive parents should seek guidance from a therapist or social worker to help navigate the reunification process.

9. Search for Birth Parents

Adoptees may want to search for their biological parents, which can be an emotionally challenging experience. The adoptive family should provide support and understanding throughout this journey, as the adoptee may experience positive and negative emotions.

Adoptive parents must have a plan in place if the adoptee decides to search for their birth parents. Contingency measures include providing resources like adoption agencies and emotional support throughout the process. Additionally, they should prepare to facilitate contact with the biological parent if the adoptee desires.


Adoption is a unique experience that comes with challenges for both the adoptive parents and the adoptee. Understanding these challenges is essential to provide the adoptee with the best environment.

You can be proactive about adoption challenges by being aware of cultural differences, supporting mental health, addressing social issues, navigating reunification, and helping with the search for birth parents. By paying attention to these details, adoptive families can ensure their adopted child has a comfortable and loving home. Contact an adoption counsellor or agency if you need additional guidance.


What are the adverse effects of adoption?

Adoption can be a positive experience, but it can also lead to emotional or mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and even suicidal ideation. Adoptive families must watch for these signs and seek professional help.

How can I support an adoptee during the reunification process?

It is vital to provide understanding and validation of the adoptee’s feelings throughout this process. Additionally, adoptive families should seek guidance from a therapist or social worker for additional support.

What is the hardest part of adoption?

The most challenging part of adoption is overcoming the emotional and social challenges that come with it. Adoptees can struggle to navigate their new family dynamics, cultural differences, and identity. Additionally, the reunification process can be an emotionally challenging experience for all parties involved.

What is adoptive child syndrome?

Adoptive child syndrome is a term used to describe the psychological and emotional issues adopted children may experience. These can include a distrust of adults, difficulty forming attachments, and feelings of rejection. Adoptive parents need to be aware of these issues and provide the necessary support for their children.

What are some tips for dealing with adoption challenges?

Some tips for dealing with adoption challenges include providing a supportive and understanding environment, seeking guidance from a therapist or social worker, finding resources for adoptees to learn about their identity, and being proactive in facilitating contact with the biological parent if desired by the adoptee. Additionally, it is essential to be aware of any emotional or mental health issues that may arise and provide the necessary support.

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